SO the end is nigh for council glass collections across Kirklees and fears have been aired that it could lead to more going into landfill.

The other argument is that people without cars will struggle to take their empties to bottle banks.

The council has made it easy to recycle glass – possibly too easy – and now it will need a mind change for people to do their own recycling from next spring.

Most readers will probably understand the need to end the glass collections to save money at a time of massive budget cuts. Savings have to be made and although the glass collections may be ending, the council is trying to site an extra 46 bottle banks on top of the 120 already in Kirklees.

This means that from next April 95% of Huddersfield people will be within 1km of a glass recycling site so there will be little excuse for people not to make the effort to take their empties to the bottle banks, pop them in and help the council to continue its recycling good work.

And if people are elderly or infirm, surely relatives and neighbours can take their bottles with them when they go themselves.

People are anxious to say they are environmentally-friendly and to be ‘green’ sometimes takes a little effort.

Let’s hope everyone joins in the recycling spirit and gets used to that regular task that will probably take no more than a five-minute detour on their way to somewhere else.