Mrs Janice Swallow welcomed the congregation and preacher Christine Shaw who led the Sunday worship at Providence Methodist Church, Golcar. Mrs Margaret Israel was the organist. Christine Shaw spoke about her recent visit to Isle of Iona. Lessons were read by Mrs Barbara Armitage from John chapter 5, verses 1-13, and Janice read a short message. Fellowship continued in the schoolroom over coffee.

Gaynor Sykes welcomed the congregation to the prize giving service at St John’s Church. The Rev Harry Gwynett led a shortened communion service, and the Bible reading from 1 Samuel read by Pat Hanson about David and Goliath was enacted by the children and narrated by Chris Bamford. Sunday Youth led the prayers and the Rev Harry and his wife Michele presented the Sunday School prizes. The organist was Ann Norton and at a welcome service in the afternoon the Rev Harry baptised Maisie Amelia Hill.


Worship at Linthwaite Methodist Church was led by Ian Baxter with the theme ‘Make a Joyful noise unto the Lord. ’ Ian led the congregation on a journey through Hymns and Psalms, joining the old with the new. Memories were brought back of ‘best loved hymns’ and readings – in particular Psalm 19 – as Ian led the congregation through his favourite hymn writers – Charles Wesley, Isaac Watts, and Frank Pratt Green through to the more modern John L Bell. Lesley Baxter read from Psalm 149: ‘Praise Ye the Lord’ and Revelation 7 verses 9-12. Lesley also led the prayers of intercession.

On Friday June 21 Linthwaite Methodist Church is holding a quiz night and sop supper at Broad Oak Bowling Club. It is £5 per head. Maximum of four adults in a team (any children coming to the evening can be extra team members). Tickets from Diane 841999 Come and be welcomed.

Sunday June 30 is the 22nd Anniversary of Linthwaite Methodist Church Centre and Gift Day. The service at 9.30am will be led by the Rev Jo Archer Siddall.


Mr David Brook led worship at the United Church on Sunday morning. The theme of his address was When Jesus Walked The Earth. Bible readings were given by Ruth and Edward Sheldrake and the organist was Marjorie Boothroyd. Refreshments were served afterwards.

A service of Sung Eucharist was held at St Bartholomew’s on Sunday, led by the vicar, the Rev Geoff Garside. The Gospel reading was from Luke 7. The readings from 1 Kings 21 verses 1-21 and Galatians 2 verses 15-21 were by David Corps. Julie Corps gave the prayers of intercession. The Junior Church activities were based on the subject of Baptism. Sidesperson was Alison Gibson. Coffee was served by Jenny Mitchell and Christine Garside.

There is a service today at 9.30am in the Lady Chapel.

Next Sunday, June 23 the United Church are joining in for a service of Sung Eucharist at 10am in church.


The Milnsbridge Christadelphian’s Bible class on Wednesday evening was led by Pete Barrett and was the showing of a prophecy DVD Europe’s Final Hour. The Sunday services were taken by James Walker, with the speaker Steve Stoneley from Heywood. The subject at the evening talk was “ What the Bible says about life after death.”

The coffee morning reading group will meet on Tuesday at 10.30am to read and discuss the Bible readings for the day. The Bible class on Wednesday at 7.30pm is to be “ Treasures in earthen vessels” based on 2nd Corinthians chapter 4. On Sunday evening at 6pm the subject will be “Events in the Middle East are leading to the return of Christ.” Visitors are welcome to come along to meetings and talks.


A community breakfast was held on Saturday morning at Parkwood Methodist Church, organised by Freda Lloyd and ladies of the church. A concert by Huddersfield Youth Singers, Little Voices and guests was held at Parkwood Methodist on Saturday afternoon, with choir leader Lucy, soloist Amy, and James, pianist. Church members provided refreshments after the concert.

Marion Lloyd welcomed the congregation to Parkwood Methodist Church on Sunday morning. Guest preacher was Mr David Harris with a special Father’s Day service. Bible readers were John Oldham, the pianist was Rhianydd Booth. Coffee was served after the service by ladies of the church.


Carston Svensgaard led the Methodist Bible study group when they met on Monday evening. The members read and studied at Lent the Parable of the Sower from Luke.

On Tuesday evening church members met to enjoy the film Jacob starring Joss Ackland and Sean Bean. The evening had been organised by Jennifer Twycross.

Sunday morning worship was led by Andrew Marchington of Golcar. His call to worship was verses from Psalm 5, The Storey of Nadoph’s vineyard from 1 Kings was read by Barbara Svensgaard. Bessie Whitwam read from Paul’s Letter to the Galatians and the gospel reading from Luke 7 by Jenny Perkins. The organist was Wendy Redfearn.

Hilary Ellis introduced Granvile Brook at this week’s meeting of Slaithwaite Good Companions. Mr Brook played the piano for members with old time favourites and tunes which they could all join in with. He spoke of the Whit Friday brass band competition held the previous week. A great collector of memorabilia, he had brought along a wind up gramophone and an eight inch record to play, also a small stereo player given away to airline passengers years ago. He was thanked by Hilda Haigh and members look forward to his next visit.

St James’ parish church family service and Holy Communion was led by the Rev Robin Townsend assisted by Raymond Denton. The theme this week was forgiveness and fathers. The young people’s activity was led by Alison Parkinson assisted by her daughters Hannah and Sophie. The theme was What Jesus does for us and do we acknowledge him and thank him? The holy gospel Luke Chapter 7, verses 39-50, Jesus at the home of Simon the Pharisee was read by Hannah. The address by the Rev Robin spoke about our earthly father’s care and that how heavenly father is always there for us. Prayers were led by Dorothy Gledhill, again assisted by Hannah and Sophie and the organist was Alvi Whitehead.