AFTER just losing the most important person in my life due to a brain tumour, I realise how very lucky we are in this country to have such a wonderful NHS.

We were supported every step of the awful journey my lovely husband had to take as his illness progressed by the McMillan rehab team, district nurses, doctors and carers who seemed to know just what was needed and when, arranging everything from ramps to profile bed, bath handles to stair lift, all delivered and installed by competent, caring men and women who were always respectful of our changing circumstances.

As hardworking, tax paying members of the community it is comforting to know that these resources are there when needed though we all hope we never need to use them.



Shameful view

IN MY view Mr H Barrowclough (Mailbag, May 16) should be ashamed in saying the dog walker who was mugged in Greenhead Park should have had their dog taken too.

Does Mr Barrowclough not realise the heartache caused by dog thefts?

I do not think that you would be very happy if some one were to steal one of your prized possessions.

As for dogs being banned from parks, the council should provide dog only areas or should give dog owners a rebate on their council tax as we all contribute to all the parks’ upkeep



Doggy delight

If H Barrowclough visits Greenhead Park on a Sunday morning, he will be faced with so many really nice people and dogs enjoying themselves, talking to one another and being pleasant and happy.

He will see children playing with the dogs and dogs playing with children. He will not see any whingeing dog haters.

David Peace


No ban needed

IN REPLY to H Barrowclough regarding banning dogs from parks. Why?

People love strolling through Greenhead Park on a lovely morning with their dogs.

Fair enough, maybe keep them on a lead as there are children and other dogs in the park.

Dog owners should clean up any mess and keep the park lovely and clean as it is now.

On Saturday morning there is a park run every week and people like taking their dogs around the 5k route and the dogs are always on a lead..

Obviously H Barrowclough doesn’t like dogs.

The park is free to anyone, with dogs or not.



Heartfelt thanks

I WOULD like to thank the very honest and most kind young lady who handed in my expensive Nokia mobile phone and my bus pass wallet containing £15 to the Huddersfield Bus Station customer services on Friday, May 27.

.I will be never able to repay her honourable deed but God will certainly reward her.Thanks a million from the bottom of my heart.

M Z Aziz


Raising awareness

I READ with amusement Clr Khan’s comment that “the wind turbines have served their useful purpose as they were erected in a central location to raise awareness of renewable energy”.

In reality the central location raised everyone’s awareness of the Council’s lack of judgement and keenness to jump on the bandwagon of ‘there’s a grant available let’s get it.’

It would be interesting to read the original financial justification for the turbines.

Robin Schofield


Where’s the logic?

I AM not a politician, business man or mathematician, only an ignorant medic, now long retired, so would appreciate a little help on the logic expressed in the article “Kirklees admits error” ( May 17).

Have I got it right that in 2006, Kirklees Council spent £101,000 of taxpayers’ money putting two beautiful modern means of saving heating costs on to Huddersfield Civic Centre – about the only place in Huddersfield where the wind hardly ever blows?

And then, am I right that two years later, they had to spend £6,431 on maintenance and repairs, with the devices only producing £2,078 to justify their existence?

That makes a total bill of £104,353 net with no comment about the cost in the other years.

And is it true that one year later one of the turbines quietly laid down and died, not because it had been working hard to earn its living, but because it was “demonstrating the true capabilities of our world leading robust small scale technology”?

I wonder how many simpletons like me became aware of the expensiveness and ugliness of inefficiency and were put off as we drove past each day and saw that the blades were not turning?

Could someone tell me why the council chairman says that the turbines have served their purpose and whether they think that had he been in business and spending his own money, his comment on the returns would have been the same?

Could it be argued that this particular brand of “world leading technology” should be declared “not fit for purpose” and the repayment cheque from Kingspan Wind re-sited in the bank, rather that the machines being re-sited elsewhere just to lose more ratepayers’ money, simply to save face and continue to make a doubtful point? Or am I missing something?.

Does anyone remember the days when Huddersfield was led by business men who took voluntary time out from their businesses to make worthy decisions?

I wonder if there were any such daft decisions then?

Dr R J Jameson


Must do better

KIRKLEES Council did not get it wrong (May 17) when deciding to install Civic Centre turbines. A small team made this choice, not the entire Kirklees Council.

This group should have also considered depreciation, maybe £5,000 per annum, which seriously disrupts any forecasts of future income.

How is the turbine supplier apparently able to afford the replacement costs? Is it generously kept ticking over by funding from taxpayers?

Let’s hope council teams do better in more complex areas like housing and education.



Support the lads

I WENT to the Galpharm again on Sunday, May 13 to watch the Giants against London Broncos in the fourth round of the challenge cup and witnessed yet another shocking crowd of 2,574.

This time the sun was shining and we played a team in the same league. It doesn’t matter what anyone says in reply to my letter, there is no reason or excuse for such a poor attendance from the people of Huddersfield.

