ANNE DRAKE gave The Huddersfield Group of the Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM) a talk on Faberge – the family history and the formation of the company.

When Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev, brought in ‘glasnost’, this instigated the Hermitage fo undation to have an exhibition of 350 items by Faberge in St Petersburg.

Peter Carl Faberge, born 1846, is the best known. His grandfather started the company having moved from Germany to Russia as a joiner in St Petersburg, the jewellery capital.

At 15 he started his apprenticesh ip by touring Europe to find out different techniques. During his working life he worked partly for the Hermitage foundation (without payment) anonymously. In 1872 he became manager of Faberge business, and then in 1884 he created the first shop show room and catalogue, making it possible to by off the shelf for the first time instead of commissioning items. Also in this year the first egg was commissioned by the Czar. His other big initiative was to look after his workers.

In 1917 came the revolution and 150 items were placed at the Hermitage foundation. Peter Carl Faberge died in 1920.

This month saw Andrew John Trickett and Debra Michelle Beeby pass their advanced driving test with guidance from Roy Meakin and Denara Holmes.

The next meeting is Monday May 11 at The Royal British Legion Club, Scar Lane, Golcar; 7.30pm for 8pm. Judith Kay will be guest speaker, on Origins of Some of our Most Familiar Sayings.