I AM not a clock watcher! But I do need to know the time of day during a normal working week.

My return home after the Scafell trek prompted, as would be expected (sic) much merriment and mirth in the Ettienne household with youngest son welcoming the return of “structure” to the house.

On occasions the military precision with which I organise has been likened to something akin to a sergeant major!

Anyway, my wristwatch of many years, not a particularly expensive timepiece, but nevertheless a much treasured possession has not been keeping time.

The strap has also caused a nasty rash on my wrist, which meant it was relegated to my jewellery box.

A new watch was promised as a birthday gift, but due to unforeseen circumstances, for which I apportion no blame, one was not forthcoming.

So my arrival at work on Monday morning was bare wristed and watchless and maybe feeling a little lost.

While in the office I have a clear view of a wall clock, but on venturing into Huddersfield town the situation changed dramatically.

Where are all the clocks in Huddersfield town centre?

I knew I was nearing the end of my allotted lunch break, and standing on the Piazza I scanned the skyline for the time. Dedication to duty called.

No clock face could be spotted however. The clock faces on Huddersfield Parish Church and half way along New Street are too far to see. There is not one on the Town Hall and the one on the former Co-op building is defunct. Has anyone else noticed this misdemeanour? Are people all expected to tell the time by their mobiles or iPods? Should a campaign be started?

Time could be said to be on the side however of Britain’s oldest married couple Ralph and Phyllis and Tarrant who celebrated 77 years of “domestic bliss” this week.

At just 107 and 101 the South Yorkshire pair still live in their own flat in Broomhill, Sheffield, go out shopping and to lunch clubs every week and enjoy an active life.

Being due to chalk up a mere 16 years of marriage this September I had to smile when watching the television interview between the pair, which proved a somewhat argumentative spirit had helped to keep their married life very much alive and kicking during the last three score years and 17.

“She’s been very difficult to cook for, particularly over the last 22 years,” said Mr Tarrant.

He also laughed while accusing his wife of being somewhat of an “alcoholic”, enjoying a tot of whisky each night. Mrs Tarrant however put the secret of their long-lasting marriage down to getting on with each, a good diet, exercise and avoiding cigarettes.

“Having little rows is good for a relationship, it keeps it healthy,” she said.

The couple, who married on July 8, 1933 spent their first part of their retirement, travelling abroad, visiting American eight times as well as the delights to British seaside town Torquay.

Even telegrams from the Queen don't phase this pair. When he got his first when he was 100, it was a real novelty for Ralph, but they now have 10 between them.

Congratulations to their success. How many marriages will stand such a test of time in the future?