I AM fed up with reading about the proposed closure of Cambridge Road nursery and others. Although parents of Cambridge Road say they have looked at other provision in the area, I have not received one enquiry and am one of the closest childcare providers to the town centre.

A recent letter pointed out that private sector nurseries in the area are also closing. The only reason for this is due to a significant increase in the number of children’s centres offering subsidised childcare and high staff wages.

Private nurseries cannot compete with this. This will result in falling numbers of children and many more nurseries will face closure.

It’s about time the government/councils realised that funding of these nurseries has got to stop. In the seven years that I have been running nurseries, not once have I been asked if I need any help to sustain my provision.

Instead of parents looking at an alternative nursery on the doorstep to the Cambridge Road provision, tell them to make an effort and look properly instead of bleating on about the closure. There are many good nurseries out there who are willing to help these parents – give them a chance!