VINCENT Kneavsey loved climbing. His father, an experienced mountaineer, filled him with enthusiasm for the sport when he was very young.

Brought up at 2a, Belmont Street, Huddersfield, Vincent went to St Patrick’s Junior School, then on to St Bede’s Grammar School, Bradford, progressing to St Bede’s College aged 17.

He shared his passion for mountains with fellow St Bede’s College student Francis Hardman, 19, and in January, 1959, both decided to go climbing in Glencoe in the West Highlands.

The weather turned bad when they were on a ridge near Glencoe. Before his friend’s horrified eyes, Vincent slipped and rolled 200ft down the mountain, then plunged over a 20ft ledge to land in a snowdrift.

Francis couldn’t get to him as Vincent lay in the drift with serious back and head injuries.

But he did raise the alarm, and five hours later, after a frenetic search involving 19 volunteers from the Royal New Zealand Navy, who happened to be training in the area, Vincent was rescued alive.

Amazingly, Vincent recovered and went on to gain an honours degree, aged 22, in English and Philosophy at Keale University, Staffordshire, going on to Goldsmith College, London to gain a higher diploma in education.

After this he drops off the Examiner archives’ map.

Which is unfortunate for Roger Beasley.

“I was part of the group of naval personnel who located and rescued Vincent,” he said. “I am visiting the UK in September and October this year and would like to meet up with him. Can you please assist me?”

Roger is at, phone: 00 64 78671986.

Last week we speculated whether Longley Hall School’s trip to Lake Geneva in 1954 was one of the earliest in Huddersfield.

It might have been, but Alan Ibberson reports that he and a party from King James’s Grammar School, Almondbury went to Paris in 1948.

Beat that!