WELL done to Carol Gormley for excluding 23 pupils. She is the sort of head of school that we need, and for the benefit of pupils and parents who complain, it's called discipline.

The fact that pupils assume that it is OK to swear in school indicates a lack of respect, something they seem to know a lot about when “on the streets”, ie “don’t diss me man”.

Ms Gormley has planted a seed by her actions and should be recognised as a leader in youth education. She is using the authority given her to gain some sort of respect and compliance to society rules from her pupils. This will be reflected in later life when the children grow up to become members of society, as they recognise the need for civilised society to have a set of rules to live by.

The original “mind set” of our young people is instilled by the parents from an early age and respect/discipline should be a matter of course, or part of growing up, starting with good manners.

It is not difficult to teach please and thank you to very small children. This is the root of good behaviour and is something a child will grow up with accepting other “rules” easily as it will have become part of “living”.

The zero tolerance idea has a lot to recommend it and would be the sort of condition needed to maintain society's standards to give us all some reasonable chance of living our lives in better conditions. Hardly a day goes by when I don’t pick up some litter thrown down by careless people. This attitude starts from school days, we were instructed to take our litter home by parents, and teachers would also pass on the message.

I never heard a pupil swear at school. I am sure it would be a reason for expulsion. Also I never heard a teacher swear. It works both ways, keep up the good work Ms Gormley