Women are more likely to give birth to big babies in Yorkshire and The Humber.

There were 100 babies born with a weight of five kilos (11lbs 0oz) and more in 2016 in Yorkshire and The Humber, the latest birth statistics from the Office for National Statistics reveal.

This works out a percentage of 0.16% out of the total 63,823 live births last year, one of the highest percentage across England and Wales.

The most common weight for newborns was between three and (6.1lbs 0oz) and 3.99 kilos (7.7lbs 0oz), corresponding to 35.2%, or 22,448 babies, of the total.

100 babies weighing more than 11lb were born in Yorkshire last year
100 babies weighing more than 11lb were born in Yorkshire last year

There were also 699 babies born with a weight under 1.5 kilos (3.3lbs 0oz), this works out as 1.1% of all live births.

Mothers in Yorkshire and The Humber gave birth at home to 1,238 babies, or 2% of all 63,215 maternities when a pregnancy resulted in the birth of one or more children, including stillbirths.

In the region there were 325 stillbirths, resulting in a rate of 5.1 stillbirths for every 1,000 births, above the England average of 4.3.

In 2016, across England and Wales, 947 babies were born with a weight of five kilos (11lbs 0oz) and over, or 0.14% of 696,271 babies born.