Two adorable baby alpacas have been born at Cannon Hall Farm.

The tiny creatures were found by farmer Rob Nicholson this morning when he went to check on their mums at the visitor farm in Cawthorne.

He said: "They were a nice surprise this morning! We knew the alpacas were expecting but you can never tell to the hour when the babies will be born. To have two born at the same time is quite unusual."

Cannon Hall Farm has welcomed plenty of new arrivals! See a gallery of pictures below.

"You leave them to bond with their mums without interfering too much so I don't know if they are male or female yet. We usually have a competition to pick names.

"We had one born about a month ago - we always have something new being born."

Animal lover Rob said alpacas were his favourite breed. He said: "They are very friendly and enjoy contact with humans - they seem to relish it. They are one of the tamer animals.

One of the mums, Caramel, is one my daughter Katie trained to walk about on a lead. You can train them to walk to heel and roll over and all sorts of things, like a dog, but Katie never got that far with Caramel so that's the next stage!"

"She is in Australia so I messaged her a picture this morning - she's looking forward to resuming the training!"