n music and beer The Slubbing Billys dance and Duggs Carré has a drink

n all together Women members of the Slubbing Billys group join in the dancing

DUST down your best clogs, the Slubbing Billys want you!

People in Huddersfield are being asked to put their best clog forward to learn an old dance form.

And soon you could be performing across the country.

The Slubbing Billys, a Slaithwaite-based clog dancing morris team, are staging a special open evening for potential new dancers on Tuesday.

The event at Slaithwaite Community Centre is to give potential new dancers the chance to find out more about the history of the team and its dance tradition.

Members of the Slubbing Billys will demonstrate some of their dances, before giving newcomers the chance to try the dances for themselves.

Duggs Carré, the Squire of the Slubbing Billys, said they always welcomed new dancers.

"The team is aware of several people who have been showing interest but not made the leap as yet.

"We hope they will all join us on the night to have a go, with no obligation whatsoever."

The Slubbing Billys are a large group by morris dancing standards, with more than 30 members.

The team consists of all ages and abilities, with younger members starting at 12, if accompanied by an adult member.

Some of the older dancers are now in their 70s and there is something to suit everyone in the repertoire.

The team also welcomes any enthusiastic musicians, and can probably find something for most traditional acoustic instruments.

Angie Boycott Garnett, who helps to teach the dances, said: "Now is the best time to start, as we are learning dances before next year's dance-out season.

"By next May we will be off all over the country, having weekends away at various festivals and other events.

"We usually camp as a large social group at the festival campsites. Most events are affordable and child/dog-friendly - plus there's often free entertainment for the dancers."

Anyone wanting to know more about joining the Slubbing Billys should ring Duggs Carré on 01484 847383.

* Morris dancing's origins have been lost in time, but it is widely believed to be based on pre-Christian or luck- bringing ceremonies.

* Today, morris is performed on days such as Plough Monday, Easter and the start of spring and is still associated with ensuring a good crop.

* Some dances are more than 100 years old.

* The most common type is Cotswold, a region in the western half of England.

* There are several types of Cotswold dance, each named after the town of its origin, such as Adderbury or Bampton.

* Differences are marked by the style of the distinctive figures. Some use hand- kerchiefs and others clash sticks.