A TOP councillor today denied that the fate of Huddersfield's library and art gallery was already sealed.

Clr John Smithson, deputy leader of Kirklees, spoke out after claims that a secret decision had been made to demolish the building.

He told the Examiner: "This is nonsense.

"And neither is there a developer lined up to take over the site, as we are continually being told."

He told the full council that public views would be sought on the future of the library and surrounding site.

Council leaders said last month that the library's worsening condition could give the opportunity to redevelop that part of the town centre.

Both the Queensgate market hall and adjoining car park could also be demolished and replaced, they said.

Clr Smithson said further surveys would be made to reveal the full extent of the repairs that the library building would need.

"If the damage is as serious as we think, then quite a bit is going to have to be taken down anyway to make the repairs," he added.

"When you get to that position, the obvious question is: `What is the alternative?' "

He said he hoped consultation could begin next March after consultants had reported.

"We shall include all the options," added Clr Smithson.

"We want people to know the facts. We want to know what they think we should do."

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