A TOP writer is to give a lecture on the controversial subject of travellers and gypsies at the University of Huddersfield.

The University of Huddersfield’s Academy for the Study of Britishness is to welcome Romani journalist and commentator, Jake Bowers, as part of its New Perspectives on Britishness seminar series.

Bowers, who edits Travellers Times Online, contributes to The Guardian and presents a BBC radio programme for the travelling community, will be speaking on the subject of Britishness, Roma, Gypsies and Travellers on October 22 at 5.30pm at the University.

The academy is based at the university and looks at issues about citizenship.

The seminar series has been organised by Dr Jodie Matthews and Dr Andy Mycock and runs until June 2010.

It will include talks from former editor of the Spectator, Matthew D’Ancona; expert on Muslims in the West and Islamic revival in the Muslim world, Tariq Ramadan; Mark Perryman, who has written extensively on a civic Englishness and on sport and patriotism; and David Hume, Director of Services for the Grand Orange Lodge of Ireland.

Bowers will be introduced by Dr Jodie Matthews, who has conducted extensive research on the ways in which migrant groups, in particular gypsies and travellers, are represented in Britain.