TABLE tennis players in Huddersfield are bringing hope to an African girl by paying her way through school.

And they are doing so in a man's garage!

The Guild Table Tennis Club was set up at Robert Booth's Netheroyd Park, Fixby, home in 1992.

Matches take place in his double garage, where the table is stored.

Fourteen members, aged between 66 and 81, meet twice a week for games.

The group initially started fundraising for the Save the Children charity, making £1,000.

In the late 1990s they began sponsoring Kenyan pupil Joyce as part of Mission Kenya.

Cash goes towards her schooling and living costs.

So far, they have made £1,547.

One of the members, Wilf Battye, described the players as "a group of geriatric youngsters" , adding: "They have become so close you can only describe them as a family.

"Companionship, laughter, fun and mutual help come from within this group.

"Engineers, artists, textile workers, businessmen, technicians and social workers, retired after years of hard work, combine to play hard but fairly - sometimes - and to discuss matters of local and national importance," added Mr Battye.

"Charity is very much part of the group activity, moving from Save The Children to educating, feeding and clothing Joyce.

"It is a group where, during play, witticisms, repartee and drollery sparkle. Often, one cannot continue playing due to peals of laughter."

But the sport is taken seriously and this week, Huddersfield Table Tennis League president Howard Birch joined the players.

He was also reunited with Cedric Whiteley, with whom he represented Yorkshire many years ago.