Spare a thought for a lonely lamppost that celebrated its 150th birthday alone.

The ‘handsome’ street light has been a feature of Netherton since June 1865.

But few villagers knew about its upcoming birthday, leaving the Moor Lane lamppost to celebrate a century-and-a-half on its lonesome.

That is apart from Netherton resident and Huddersfield University library manager David Pattern.

Mr Pattern said: “I was looking through an online archive of the Huddersfield Chronicle and it looks like the lamp-post is celebrating its 150th birthday.”

An article from the Huddersfield Chronicle published on June 3, 1865 – and discovered in the university archives by Mr Pattern – heralded the lamppost’s installation.

It said: “Netherton for many years past has been much behind many villages in public improvements, but the formation of the railway and other causes appear to have given a good impetus to it, and, of late, considerable improvements have been made.

“Among the greatest of these is the laying down at present of a substantial and much-needed flagged causeway, together with the erection of a handsome pillar lamp, at the cross, which, when completed, will be an ornament to the village.”

According to an Examiner article from 1954 the lamppost stood on an island on Meltham Road in front of the post office.

It was moved to its current location after it was hit by a lorry.

While the lamppost still stands tall it has seen better days with peeling paintwork and missing glass panels.

Mr Pattern said: “Maybe the council our a local group can give it a lick of paint for its birthday.

“Maybe some heritage partners of Kirklees Council could do something.

“It looks like it needs a little bit of love.”

Mr Pattern added: “Maybe people can think of a name for it. It could be a little competition.”

Can you think of a name for the lonely lamppost? Larry? Laura? Maybe something more original and distinguished? Drop us an email:

150th birthday