A LISTED parish church could be set to house mobile phone transmitters in its eaves.

Phone giant Hutchinson 3G, which runs the 3 network, has applied to put equipment in St Stephen's Church on Lidget Street, Lindley.

The building, which dates from 1829, would house three antennae, radio equipment and a foot-wide transmission dish if the application is approved.

The church is noted for its English-style tracery or patternwork, often seen on Gothic windows.

The building was designed by John Oates, who was responsible for a number of Huddersfield's proudest buildings.

These include the former Lockwood Baths, St Paul's Church and the old Royal Infirmary.

He died in 1831 aged just 37. He was buried at All Saints' Church, Paddock, which he also designed.

Buildings are listed due their special architectural or historical interest.

Kirklees Council planners will examine the Hutchinson scheme.