‘Across the bridge, bear right along the woodland path to enter the Thick Hollins park course of Meltham golf club in front of the 16th tee.’

START the walk via the bollards at the rear of the car park near the bus station in Meltham.

Pass between the car saleroom and the rear of the town hall. Turn left along Carlile Street then right along Huddersfield Road.

After walking 500 yards, passing the entrance road to Durker Roods and Greenacres old people’s home en route, enter Meltham Hall Park by turning right.

Take the next left turn, pass to the right of the tennis courts and reach the front of the hall through the Italian gardens.

William Leigh Brook, the grandson of William Brook, founder of Meltham Mills, built the hall in 1841. It was acquired by Meltham Council under a deed of gift from Messrs C J and T W Hirst as a memorial to Mr and Mrs T J Hirst, former residents.

Keep to the path which passes the lower side of the hall and continue alongside the bowling green.

About halfway along the green side , turn left through a gap in the hedge. Follow the descending path, pass a pond on the left, bear right at a path junction and reach Meltham Mills Road through a gate near a row of terraced houses.

The shop at the other end of the houses occupies the site of a 300-year-old oak tree which was felled during the late 18th century. Part of the trunk was used to make the axle of a waterwheel used at the mill opposite.

Cross the road from the terraced houses, turn right and follow the pavement round the corner: climb the steep incline, pass the factory entrance and buildings and turn left along a cinder track between the factory perimeter wall and raised car park.

Follow the track which some distance on leaves the perimeter wall and climbs steadily through Greasy Slack Wood.

On reaching level ground proceed along a meandering track and turn right as the next sign indicates.

From the signpost climb gradually up to and alongside the perimeter of the wood to reach the exit from the landfill site.

Turn right up the access road and right again at its intersection with the Honley-Meltham road.

Enter the field on the left by means of a stile a short distance along the road. Cross the field in a straight line to the stile in the far right-hand corner. Do not leave the field.

Instead, turn left and walk 50 yards along the line of bushes and cross the boundary wall by means of a stile partially hidden by a holly tree.

Follow the path close to the left-hand wall through the next two fields. The first field is on level ground and the second descends steeply to a stile.

Cross the stile ahead and bear right across the field top to enter Slate Pit Woods via a further stile.

Take the diagonally descending path through the wood and reach the reservoir level near the weir.

From the weir follow the broad cinder track for 200 yards through the wood.

From a concreted step at the left of the track descend to a wooden footbridge over the stream.

Across the bridge, bear right along the woodland path to enter the Thick Hollins park course of Meltham Golf Club in front of the 16th tee.

Climb through the avenue of trees ahead to the edge of the first fairway. Several of the trees have yellow markings on the trunks to indicate the route.

Walk straight across the fairway toward a mound of grass near an oak tree. A path indicator is on the mound.

Bear right across the second fairway toward a distinct break in the clearly defined ridge across the gradually rising land. A further path indicator is on the ridge. Bear right and follow the distinct path on the ridge alongside the trees to reach the club car park.

Turn left on reaching the car park, pass cottages on the right, go through the park gates into Thick Hollins Road. After the postbox turn right down Acre Lane and continue into Meltham Mills at the lane’s lower end.

At the road junction, bear left around the lower end of the pleasure gardens and ascend Mill Bank Road for some 300 yards, then turn right along Roods footpath.

Turn left at the end of Roods footpath and retrace the early part of the walk to the car park.

l Walkers who follow one of our routes are advised to take with them the appropriate OS map.