Dogs have been poisoned by cannabis after going for walks in an area of Huddersfield.

Three dogs suffered a range of symptoms such as unsteadiness, drooling, rising body temperature and high/low heart rate after eating discarded cannabis plant material.

It is believed the remains of cannabis plants had been dumped near to Honley Woods at Honley.

Jeanette Dyson, whose black Labrador Oscar was one of the dogs affected, said: “He’s been kept at the vets for observations. He’s on a drip - we are hoping that he will be home tomorrow.”

Black Labrador Oscar who has been placed on a drip by a vet after ingesting cannabis on a walk in Honley

She said Oscar had exhibited strange symptoms after walking on Hassocks Lane beside Honley Woods.

“He was jittery and seemed paranoid,” she said. “He laid down and jumped if I went near him.

“I thought it was caused by the heat. He was looking at his water as if he’d never seen it before and was lethargic. He didn’t seem to know how to sit down. He couldn’t control his limbs.”

Oscar, who is four, is being treated at Donaldson’s Vets in Huddersfield.

A spokesman for Donaldson’s warned other dog owners to be vigilant.

He added: “We have had three cases of cannabis poisoning since yesterday. The dogs were all walked in the same area at the entrance to Honley woods at Hassocks Lane.

Donaldson's Vets issued this warning to dog owners about cannabis plants left near Honley Woods

“The council has been notified and the (dog) owners have removed what they could find but there may be more in the area.”

He said that cannabis ingestion can lead to seizures and even death for dogs.

“Cannabis can cause a range of symptoms such as weakness, wobbliness, high or low heart rate, drooling, rise or fall in body temperature and, in some cases, can lead to seizures and death.

“If you have walked your dog in that area and you are worried they may have ingested something please give us a call straight away.”

Several other dog owners shared the warnings on social media.

One dog owner said: “We live in Elland. A few weeks ago in our local park we had at least 50 cannabis plants dumped after they cropped what they wanted. We had to keep our dog on a lead until the council took them away. She was just drawn to them.”

One man who had also walked his dogs at Honley Woods said: “I had to take our dogs to the vets yesterday as this is where we take them and they were not well at all.

“The first thing the vet asked was if they had any access to cannabis as they were showing symptoms of it.”