A WARNING has been issued over a firm which offers to help “re-band” your council tax.

Council Tax Review markets itself as a rates re-evaluation agency and is currently distributing leaflets in Huddersfield saying that bandings in the area are incorrect.

The body responsible for maintaining them, the Valuation Office Agency (VOA) has urged caution, while accepting that there is no illegality in them doing it.

Council Tax Review’s literature says that a number of neighbours had enjoyed reductions and refunds backdated to the point they moved in.

The Bradford-based firm offers a free evaluation, but charges an administration fee for a service which is offered free by the government’s VOA.

The firm’s operatives advise the public who ring up that they will reclaim the charge from successful applications, and that if resistance is met from the government they have the knowledge to challenge decisions.

They say that 931,000 houses in the UK have already been re-banded and had their bills lowered, resulting in refunds.

Niall Walsh, director of operations at the VOA, said: “No-one can guarantee taxpayers a reduction in their council tax band because the vast majority of bandings are correct.

“Importantly there is no need to pay to have your council tax banding reviewed.

“If you have any concerns about your council tax band, you should simply contact one of the VOA’s local offices and speak to a member staff.

“Alternatively taxpayers can visit our website www.voa.gov.uk

“This will explain where they can get information on how bands are determined and what to do if they disagree with their banding.

“The VOA will review your council tax banding completely free of charge where you have evidence that your banding may be incorrect.”

Police have in the past raised their own concerns about companies offering help with council tax banding.

Some operators, other than CTR, have asked residents for address details and signatures.

Tim Eden, director of council tax at the VOA, said: “People should be careful if asked for an up-front fee by anyone, as this could end up being a scam.”

The Examiner asked the company involved for a comment, but none was forthcoming.