Hundreds of motorists are having to swerve to avoid a large paving slab which has become dislodged on one of Huddersfield’s busiest roundabouts today.

And the two-foot rock at Bradley Bar Roundabout has already claimed its first victim, 50 year old mum Yvette Smith from Deer Hill Drive, Marsden.

She said: “Driving up Bradford Road at 12.30pm on my way to a lunch date with a female friend, I found my car, a Vauxhall Adam, jolting and I heard a loud noise.

The paving slab causing problems motorists on Bradley Bar Roundabout

“It felt as though I had hit something.

“I tried to move it but it’s quite heavy and it seemed a rather dangerous thing to do.

“So, I parked in the Villa Farm Shop car park and noticed my rear wheel was damaged.

Yvette Smith with the damaged tyre on her Vauxhall Adam

“I’m waiting for the AA to come out now and repair the damage.

“And I hope Kirklees Council send someone out as quickly as possible to remove the stone as it could cause a more serious accident.”

The Examiner has approached the council for comment.