Home Office officials allegedly seized two “Windrush” nurses from a hospital in order to deport them, it has emerged.

The shocking revelation was uncovered following a meeting to discuss the threat to Huddersfield’s Afro-Caribbean community.

Ashbrow councillor Amanda Pinnock and Huddersfield Trades Union Council (TUC) organised a rally at Brian Jackson House to press for action over the Windrush generation scandal.

And following the meeting to discuss and investigate those affected by the Government’s controversial deportation scheme, a number of people came forward to tell stories about their struggles.

Clr Mus Khan said she was approached by a nurse who claimed two of her nursing colleagues had been detained by Home Office officials while at work at a hospital.

It was not confirmed if it was Huddersfield Royal Infirmary but more information is expected to be uncovered soon.

Clr Khan said she and other officials at the meeting had vowed to do all they could to tackle the issue for anyone affected.

“This is state racism as far as I am concerned,” she said. “Our residents shouldn’t have to live in fear like this.

Clr Mus Khan

“We need to call upon the Government bring people back home.”

The so-called Windrush generation are people who came to Britain from the Caribbean between 1948 and 1971.

A scandal erupted last month when it emerged many were being secretly deported because they did not have citizenship documentation.

Thousands of British citizens are affected with dozens in Kirklees thought to be at risk.

The Home Office has admitted it destroyed evidence that they had the right to live in the UK in 2010 and the Secretary of State, Amber Rudd, resigned amid claims she misled Parliament.

The Home Office has since apologised and said it is looking to help those affected who have no passport or documents to prove their nationality.

Clr Pinnock, who chaired the event and has been leading local efforts to support people affected by the scandal, said: “Like many people in the local community, officers at Kirklees Council knew nothing of the plight of the Windrush generation until the scandal erupted last month.

Jamaican immigrants welcomed by RAF officials from the Colonial Office after the ex-troopship HMT 'Empire Windrush' landed them at Tilbury

“It is rather late in the day but at last the Government has bowed to public pressure and some action is being taken.

“Now that the local elections are out of the way we also need to ensure that the council is doing everything it can to safeguard and protect the rights of members of our local community.”

The rally at Brian Jackson House was addressed by the veteran equal opportunities campaigner, Martha Osamor, who reminded everyone of the struggles that she and many others locally and nationally have been involved in to eradicate the racism experienced by many of the Windrush and their children.

Mrs Osamor who will shortly take up a seat as a Labour Peer in the House of Lords, said: “To threaten British Citizens, who have helped to rebuild Britain, with deportation, ranks among the most shameful episodes in our shared Commonwealth history.

“I hope that Kirklees Council will follow the lead of other Labour controlled authorities around the country in providing strong representation for local people who are still affected by the hostile environment created by a Government that has shown its desire to restrict the rights of marginalised British Citizens.”