COLD weather could spell disaster for householders underestimating the risks from electricity, say fire chiefs.

People will be turning on extra heaters and old electric blankets to keep warm in the cold snap - but this could mean serious trouble.

"Just because there's no flame doesn't mean there's no risk," said Assistant Chief Fire Officer Simon Pilling.

West Yorkshire firefighters turn out to about 100 incidents caused by electric appliances and blankets each winter.

The service has warned that appliances except freezers and video recorders should be unplugged and serviced regularly.

This is especially important for washing machines and tumble- dryers.

Sockets should not be overloaded. Electric blankets should be tested by an expert every three years and replaced after 10.

Danger signs include:

* Hot plugs and sockets.

* Wear and tear on leads and plugs and exposed wiring.

* Fraying fabric, scorch marks, exposed elements and loose connections on electric blankets.

Householders can contact their fire station for a free home safety check. There is also a special hotline on 0800 587 4536.

* There are currently only eight units specialising in teenage cancer in Britain.

* Seven more are being developed and plans are being made for 11 more.

* One in 330 boys develops cancer before the age of 20.

* One in 420 girls develops cancer before the age of 20.

* About 2,500 cases of teenage cancer are diagnosed in the UK each year.

* The Teenage Cancer Trust claims special teenage units can improve recovery rates by up to 15%.