Local league clubs and those looking to start up football teams are being reminded that Football Foundation grants are again available.

Before the start of the current season the Get Smart Kirklees Sunday League’s new team Linthwaite were helped with a £1500 grant from the Football Foundation’s “Grow the Game” initiative, via the West Riding County FA.

“One of the possible difficulties facing any new side looking to enter a League is finance,” said KSL chief Geoff Hyde.

“With the right criteria any side should have a good chance of receiving a grant.”

Any team thinking of entering a new team into the KSL, or any other league, next season should note that, although there are still funds available, due to over subscribing of grants last year there will be a limit on funding and the deadline for applications is Wednesday, February 18.

Any potential new team should contact Steve Dorey, development officer of the West Riding County FA, who can be contacted on 01132-821222 or 07912-309127 or by email steve.dorey@wrcfa.com, and there is an online link for applications – visit www.footballfoundation.org.uk/apply/grow-the-game/

The Grow the Game scheme is designed to increase participation in football and the fund has been set up to boost playing opportunities for women and girls, disabled players and male teams of Under 14 and upwards.

For each new team that a club creates, £1,500 of funding will be made available, with the grants aimed at covering the costs incurred for league entry, referees’ fees, first aid kits, FA coaching courses and kits.

All matches on Kirklees Council pitches this weekend have been called off due to the bad weather.