HE’S the man who puts the music into lunchtimes, Dr Gordon Stewart, Kirklees Borough Organist.

He’s back at Huddersfield Town Hall on March 16 to play a mixed programme of organ music which will include pieces by Bach and by Liszt.

The music begins at 1pm and tickets are £4 (£3 concessions) in advance from Kirklees Booking Offices on 01484 223200, or from the Town Hall box office on the day of the concert.

Lunches are available in the Old Court Room from noon where Gordon will doubtless be catching up with many of his friends in the audience.

He will start his recital with W Alcock’s Introduction and Passacaglia, followed by J S Bach’s Trio Sonata in E flat and the Fantasia and Fugue Ad nos ad salutarem undam by Liszt.

Gordon will finish with C Callahan’s Aria and the Toccata in D Minor by A Renaud.