The Piri-Piri Rub:250ml lemon juice150ml Extra-Virgin olive oil2 cloves garlic, minced2 tablespoons hot chili flakes2 teaspoons dried oregano1 teaspoon dried thyme1 teaspoon ground cumin1 teaspoon Maldon sea saltThe zest of 2 lemons, finely gratedA few grinds of fresh black pepper

The Chicken:Two small chickens, or poussins – free-range and corn-fed please.Firstly, with a sharp knife or poultry shears, cut the chicken into joints, leaving the meat on the bone for maximum flavour. I like to separate the thighs and the drumsticks and then cut through the breast cross-wise, leaving a large piece of meat on the breastbone, and the other half of the breast attached to the wing. It’s up to you, but this seems a fairer share of the breast meat.

To make the rub simply combine the ingredients in a bowl.

To coat the chicken, pop the pieces into a bowl or, ideally, a Ziploc bag, and pour in as much piri-piri as you’d like. You just need to coat the pieces completely, so don’t waste too much. Massage it into the bird, and wrap the bowl or seal the bag. Keep in a cool place for at least 5 hours, turning occasionally.You can either roast or grill the chicken, cooking the pieces in a gentle heat until golden and crispy on the outside and juicy but cooked completely within. Serve immediately.

A nice red from the Alentejo or Douro regions would be perfect with the chicken. Portuguese wine is, according to the trade press, the next big thing, so get ahead of the pack and discover your new favourites!