Go on, have a nibble. A little bit of what you fancy does you good.

Well, it does if it’s an apple.

This is National Apple Day, celebrating a fruit that has been acclaimed top of the health charts. It’s true, medical opinion says that an apple a day really can keep the doctor away.

Apples are rich in important antioxidants, flavanoids and dietary fibre. They improve neurological health, prevent dementia, reduce stroke risk, lower bad cholesterol, reduce risk of diabetes and help prevent breast cancer.

Wow! But wait, there’s more. An apple a day is as effective as statins at preventing vascular death.

But not if you drink it by the gallon as cider.

Five pints of Magners a day will not constitute your five a day recommended fruit and veg intake.

Not even when combined with the grapes from red wine, hops of best bitter, the tomato juice in a Bloody Mary or a dash of lime in your Stella.

Stick to the fruit.